Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Ok, so I've been a little obsessed with these collages and effects from Picnik... but they're so much fun! (Allison likes playing with them, too!) Anyway, it was 79 degrees today! I actually got my first burn! We spent the entire day outdoors, and couldn't have enjoyed it more.

Daniel worked hard on the front yard, planting marigolds, trimming bushes, and laying new bark. I worked in the backyard weeding, weeding, and then weeding! What a great feeling when it's done! (Or is weeding like laundry... NEVER DONE!???)

Anyway, I think the girls had it best... riding bikes, blowing bubbles, playing in the sandbox, and having a pizza picnic! Oh, and they played with the leftover 'snow' from Natalie's birthday. (We are now officially out of snow!)

Tomorrow is suppose to be another beautiful day. So, we will finish up the garage and side yard, and be set. Woohoo!
(Oh, and do more laundry... of course!)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Twin jammies

Look at these silly girls! What a classic picture! Would you believe this is their first pair of twin jammies? And, here's the irony... The first came from a garage sale from my mom up in Northern California. The second came from my MOPS clothing swap last week! I thought that was pretty cool. :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Taiwanese Candy

Daniel's brother just got back from Taiwan, and brought the girls some candy as a treat. Can you tell what it is? First, there's some syringes filled with sugar syrup! Then there are some pill boxes with little candies. Last, there are giant sort-of-sweet bread sticks. Interesting, huh? Kind of fun! Very sweet of him! But, dare I give them the sugar syrup? I bet I can guess what my dentist would say!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dentist time for the girls

Boy, dentist offices have come a long way since I was a kid! Granted, we took the girls to see a pediatric dentist. My favorite part... PacMan and dozens of other retro games in the waiting room! Our motive for finally going was Natalie who seems to have bumped her mouth and chipped a tooth. But, we discovered Allison had some plaque build-up and the possible start of a cavity, so it was definitely time!

How did they do? Allison did great! She loved it! Sat like an angel through x-rays, the cleaning, and check-up. And Natalie? Poor girl had a rough go of it. We were lucky to finally get one decent x-ray. Maybe next time!

Side note: I went to the dentist, as well, and Daniel decided to take the girls and come along just so they could play video games. What a fun daddy!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Circle Day

Being a former math teacher, I suppose I should have waited until March 14... 3.14 = pi day! But, today we celebrated "Circle Day" for our home preschool. In case you'd like to do a circle day of your own, I've included our list of activities at the bottom of the page.

  • Met at Krispy Kreme to see how doughnuts (circles) are made.
  • Decorated circle plates with circle stickers (and markers)
  • Came back and played red light/ green light with cut circles, and talked about the shape of wheels
  • blew bubbles (circles)
  • played "Jigalong" around a giant chalk circle
  • Learned about time and clocks (circles) by gluing activity pictures onto a blank clock
  • Played "What Time is it Mr. Fox?" by holding up a clock
  • Strung fruit loop (circle) necklaces
  • Learned about money (coins, circles) and played pretend shopping
  • Sang "I'll do my best.. Oh, oh, oh!" and made giant circles with our arms
  • Learned Proverbs 3:9 "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land produces." (Tied in best, and money)
  • Made English muffin (circle) pizzas for lunch

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fun Stool chairs

Look how fun! I'm not sure how practical this would be... especially with little kids! But, perhaps someday! It's definitely my style!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fun with Chalkboard paint

I have been wanting to fill this "dead space" that is sort of like an entryway to the laundry room for a while now. When Allison was little, we hung her manner chart there. I liked the fact that something useful hung there, and wanted to replace it with something useful. It finally occured to me to paint a chalkboard where we can write Allison's Bible memory verse each week after Sunday School.

For a few weeks I contemplated what color the chalkboard should be. I wanted to incorporate a robin's egg blue into our kitchen, but thought a blackboard would look better. Hmmm... I was all set with painter's tape and a level, when I had an idea... I decided to incorporate both colors, as well as our "dog room" that it was leading into!

I had wanted to make my own chalkboard paint since
Martha's recipe was very simple, but I could only find a large pack of unsanded grout that made it more expensive than simply buying it from Home Depot. So, that's what I did! And, after 2 hours, it was done!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spring Day

Look what we found on our apricot tree, today! Can you believe it's that time of year, already? We were so excited, we spent the entire morning blowing bubbles, squirting squirt bottles, and working on the garden! (Of course, I came in and played with the photos on Picnik!) I absolutely love this time of year... the weather, the smells, the occasional cozy rainy days! And, of course, watching more blossoms pop up and soon transform into my favorite summer fruit; tree-ripened apricots! The only part I'm not so fond of is all the weeds popping up. But, I must say that weeding while my girls help me dig and squirt water into mud puddles isn't half so bad!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fun with Pictures!

As I've mentioned before, we recently switched from a pc to a Mac. This was mostly because of the fun stuff you are able to do with pictures and videos. Of course, I haven't played with the "fun stuff" too much, yet, because I am still figuring everything else out. My husband, on the other hand, played with video editing this past weekend, and discovered some cool tools! I'll have to show you what he can do!

I did, however, discover a super fun website where you can do fun effects with your pictures for free! I've literally only played with this for about 10 minutes, but above is just a small sample of what you can do! Isn't it cool? I can't wait to play some more. The website is called picnik. I know you'll want to check this one out! So, go check it out, then come back and show me the fun stuff you did!

Spring Flowers

Aren't these sweet? And SO easy! Next Tuesday is "Circle Day" for our little home preschool. I'll have to incorporate these!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The rain is gone!

Ok, so my picture doesn't do it justice. But, in the last few days of rain we've had 2 identical rainbows! This is the one from the first day! It was awesome! (Like my attempt at getting the whole arc?) Unfortunately, Natalie was also sick, and now Allison hs joined her. So, other than videos we played video games! (Let's just say it was SO nice to get out to the park again, today!) Anyway, here is a fun website for your preschooler to check out for video games!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spring Birdies!

Well, Valentine's is officially over... but we haven't put it away, yet! I think I'll give it another week before pulling out my spring/ Easter bins. But, look at these adorable birds from Family Fun! They are super easy, too! Allison and I just may have to make these on the next rainy day. Click here for instructions!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lovely Necklaces!

I have SUCH talented friends! I got not one, but 2 handmade necklaces! The first was a gift from my Mom... (Thanks SO much, Mom!) But, it was made by my friend, Kim. Isn't she talented? Daniel was in on it, as well.... he sent the pictures to my friend. The fun part is, it's reversible! The one side has me and my hubby, while the other has my sweet girls! If you want one, too, let me know and I'll give you her contact information... I've had her make them for a few friends now, and she is really good!

Here is the second necklace, made by my friend Glory. I love the colors and style! Isn't it beautiful?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Birthday Fun

What a wonderful Disneyland birthday I had! Despite the earlier rain forecast, we had beautiful blue skies!!! My dear friends and family, thank you for all the phone calls, e-mails, cards, and gifts! I felt truly blessed!! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

Where does she get that goofy smile?


And, here is my gorgeous, yummy Asian birthday cake. Thank you, Love!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Flowers and Chocolate

See that box of chocolates? They're not just any chocolates... they are Joseph Schmidt truffles; my favorite! And, they came in the mail yesterday. My sweet husband, who is working until tomorrow, said I was allowed to open them early. (Like I could wait!) So, what makes them extra special? Two things:
  1. We served Joseph Schmidt chocolates at our wedding, so they have great sentimental value.
  2. You know how my husband feels about traditions... I thought my special box last year was awesome, but I didn't expect to see another one for a long time, if EVER! Now I have a "collection!" (I had to save last year's box, because they are handmade, and beautiful!)

So, thank you, honey!!! Tomorrow we are off to Disneyland to take advantage of my free birthday ticket. Happy Valentine's Day!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Ok, my friends... you already know that Inspiring Ideas is my most favorite blog, ever! Pretty much everybody should read her blog because it is just as it says... inspiring! I have blogged about her before, and her awesome prints adorn my home! To celebrate her one year anniversary, Jeanne is hosting a giveaway that is HUGE! You could win all sorts of fun stuff from her amazing collection. I hope I win, but since there are many prizes and many winners, I hope you win, too! Check her out here! (Or click on one of her buttons on my sidebar!)

Sisterly Love

The LOVE holiday is coming up, so I thought I'd share a few recent pictures of sisterly love. Side note: I have a cute picture of the girls framed in a Valentine's frame, and whenever Natalie sees it, she points to it and says, "Allison best friend!" Melts my heart!

Decorating Fun

What's my style? Well, obviously Ikea... if that is a style? Almost every major piece of furniture we own is from there! But, specifically what is my "Ikea style?" I found this cute little test from Ikea to determine my style. I thought it was fun. Apparently I am Modern Zen. What are you? Check it out and let me know!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thanks, Karen!

Oh, how I love good deals! My friend Karen called on Sunday with "exciting news." (No, she wasn't pregnant, though that was my first thought!) She told me about a one weekend only Croc warehouse sale. She said she bought 11 pairs, and I thought that was crazy. A few hours later I came home with 7... almost everything was only $5!!! I bought my husband the cool plaid flip flops, only to find out he wants Crocs, too! Bummer... perhaps next time! My favorite are the orange ones. What a deal!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Only in So Cal!

Today was another preschool field trip day, which was suppose to be to the tidepools. (Apparently January and February are the best months to go!) However, we woke up to this...

...gorgeous blue skies and white mountains. So, what did we do? We decided to head up to the mountains, instead! What an awesome decision that was! First, we met at Starbucks for some hot chocolate. Forty minutes later, we were climbing our mini hill, sledding down, and pouncing through the snow.

I think Triscuit had the best time! He ran so hard, and chased us up and down, as well as chasing several thrown snowballs. Lucky dog!

Here is our fun little spot! Much to my dismay, my camera battery died right after this shot was taken, so you don't get to see our snow turtle sculpture, snow angels, and rides down the hill as well as other adorable snow kid shots... maybe next time!

And, look what my sweet friend brought for dessert... some birthday brownies! (They are YUMMY!)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

baking banana bread...

What should one do one a cold rainy day? Why, bake banana bread, of course! (Oh, and throw in some chocolate chips, as well!) I happen to have a very yummy recipe that is very different from the traditional recipe. Before I had the internet, I had just one cookbook with a recipe for banana bread. It was from a "healthy" cookbook, and I was missing some ingredients, so I just substituted a few things, and loved how it turned out. Let me share it with you!

Cara's Banana Bread:
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup oatmeal
1/3 cup nuts (optional!!)
about 2 medium bananas mashed
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup oil (I use EV Olive oil!)
2 eggs
1 Tbsp lemon juice
Mix dry ingredients in one bowl, and wet ingredients in the other. Combine, then add mini chocolate chips. Bake in a greased loaf pan for 50 minutes at 350.

It is finished!

Aaahhh... it is finished! And, it was awesome! God has blessed me with some incredible women through MOPS! I couldn't have done it without the help of my awesome husband. I am SO blessed! I'll spare the commentary... here are just a few pictures of our fun night!