Monday, March 29, 2010

Goodbye Tiffany

This past year I have been blessed with a friend who is one of the most humble, gentle, precious spirits I have ever met. One year of friendship was not enough, but better than never having met her at all. I hate saying goodbye to a good friend... but I do enjoy the goodbye party! I will miss you terribly, Tiffany! Blessings to you in Ohio!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ordinary Day

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post as much as I did! I found it on one of my favorite blogs, "A Little Loveliness." Today we had a lovely Easter egg hunt with our MOPS group, but I thought I'd blog about the "ordinary things" instead, in honor of yesterday's post. (Ok, ok... I forgot my camera this morning, so I have to blog about the ordinary things because I have no pictures of the egg hunt!)

After a year in the closet, we were finally brave enough to pull out the moon sand, again. This time I knew to use it outside... (the inventor of moon sand was OBVIOUSLY not a parent!) The girls had a blast, and I will clean it up tomorrow :)

We also FINALLY finished reading "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." So, we had movie night to celebrate. I was a little leery of showing the girls that film at such a young, tender age, but they were so excited and really enjoyed it! I am shocked at Allison's comprehension of it! Of course, what movie night would be complete without Whoppers and Red Vines?

It is so true... there is nothing more precious than an ordinary day!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring preschool

Today at preschool we celebrated the arrival of spring! I was SO happy to finally use my new Cricut I got for Christmas to make this banner read "spring."

After a couch talk about spring, and a reading of the story, "What is Easter?" we began our first activity... tracing the letter "f" and coloring a flower!

Next, the kids each got a little pail and searched the living rom for mini chocolate eggs!

I got the idea for these sweet Easter lillies from Family Fun. (Any craft that traces the hand at this tender age I find precious!)
Gel clings for the window are always fun! I found these Easter ones at the dollar section of Target!

Next came an obstacle course race... done holding as many eggs as possible without dropping them!

SNACK TIME! We made "nests" with a "bark" base (graham crackers), "mud," (peanut butter), "sticks," (pretzels), and "leaves," (dried apples). I take full credit for this original idea! (Most of my ideas are stolen from books, blogs, or my own childhood memories!)

Unfortunately, I forgot to fill them with jelly bean eggs... but, I'm pretty sure the kids didn't need the extra sugar today!

Our final craft was coloring a spring puzzle. Natalie even took hers apart and successfully put it back together!

We ended with lunch, and then dessert. Natalie helped me in the kitchen while the other "helpers" played outside!

Daniel found these adorable "3d" cookie cutters last summer, so this was our first time using them. Only T really got te concept, as you will see below:

A delicious end to a super fun day!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day of "Firsts"

Happy FIRST day of Spring! I hope you enjoyed this beautiful day! We started the day by harvesting our FIRST veggies from our garden... radishes! It turns out I don't really care for radishes; nor do my girls. But, it was fun to grow them! (And to harvest them!)

The girls also enjoyed their FIRST ice cream from the ice cream truck. They got to pick whatever they wanted. Of course, Natalie chose chocolate! Allison went with the rocket pop. We've been talking about the ice cream truck for a while now, and it even came to the park the other day. So, when it pulled into our little cul-de-sac today, the girls went running out and flagged it down... I kidd you, not! They were SO excited! (How could I say no!?!?)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Miss Pattycake!

Thursday night our dear friend K invited us to a FREE Miss Pattycake concert... what a blessing! We were in the front row, and had a blast! Since it was out in Yucaipa, we left early, and had a picnic dinner before going in.

It was an Easter theme, so she went through the resurrection eggs.

Too sweet! Come on over if you want to watch our new Miss Pattycake videos with us!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Shamrock shakes!

Hope you all had a fun St. Patrick's Day, yesterday! Since we went orange-picking, we weren't all that festive, but we did manage to squeeze-in some mint-chip milkshakes, and green shamrock stamps.

Natalie didn't quite get the concept of making a shamrock with the heart stamp, but hey... look at that smile! Who cares what it looks like? :)