Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blogoversary Giveaway!

I don't know about your kids, but mine wake-up every day asking, "What day is it, what day is it?" Perhaps you wake-up every day asking, "When is Cara EVER going to do that giveaway she talked about 3 weeks ago?" I apologize for the long wait! I've been wanting to do the giveaway ever since my 500th post... but, time has escaped me. Now it is a 2 year anniversary giveaway, instead! As of today, I have been blogging for 2 years; whew!

To celebrate, I am going to make you a custom day-of-the-week magnet strip, like the one shown above. You can pick the colors, details, etc. It is in response to my most popular post, "Meaningful Monday." All you have to do is leave me a comment... You can let me know if you're using the themed days of the week and how it's going, or what summer activity you are enjoying, or whether there is another post that is your favorite. If you want to, you can tell me what the weather is like -- just one comment per person, please :)

Giveaway closes midnight on July 7, and I will announce the winner July 8. Happy commenting!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

First Tooth Lost!

Just 3 weeks after turning five, Allison has lost her first tooth! It's been loose since a few weeks before her birthday, and she has had me wiggle it every day! Ecstatic can hardly describe her excitement.

She lost it this morning while at VBS, so the teacher put it in a baggy for me. Luckily, my sweet friend called to let me know. That gave me exactly 90 minutes to whip together a toothfairy pillow! No pattern; just a vague idea in my mind...

As soon as we noticed her tooth was loose, I took Allison to JoAnn's and let her pick out whatever fabric she wanted from the quilting quarters section. It's not what I would have chosen, but that's ok. I'm so glad I at least had the supplies.

I almost made it in time. All I had left to do was to hand stitch the corner when Allison got home.

Holding her tooth, which she has lost twice this morning, already. It is now safely stored away in it's baggy!

The finished pillow... (my first curved sewing project!) SEW glad kids don't care about perfection. :) Allison loves her pillow, and I am happy. So, what is the going rate for teeth these days?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Just for the Shock Value...

Sometimes being married to an Asian man makes for interesting snack choices when Daniel does the grocery shopping. Can you guess what Allison is eating? (And, LOVED, and ate several more of...)

No, I really don't think you are going to guess, so let me show you:

Still unsure what you are seeing?!?!? Yes, that is a baby octopus. Head, eyeballs, 8 legs, tentacles and all! My girl is SO brave. I didn't have the guts to try it this time around. (He also brought home fresh sashimi, which sounded much more appealing!) But, I truly am proud of Allison. She'll try most anything, and is a very healthy eater. Natalie is getting there... she tried the sashimi (raw fish), but no octopus for her, either!

Isn't he cute? Don't worry, I made him brush his teeth before I kissed him, again!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


For the last week, Allison and Natalie have been asking to paint agapanthas outside on the easel... Not sure where they got the idea, but it sounded fun! We had to wait until our busy week of VBS was over, but we finally did it!

Of course, Natalie decided she would rather do sidewalk chalk once it was all set up. Silly girl! At least Allison had fun!

I decided I would paint Natalie's picture for her, so I put Sierra down and painted myself. Can't let the kids have all the fun!! :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yogurt Tube Cozies

We are HUGE fans of frozen yogurt tubes around here. However, Mom is NOT a fan of extra laundry... and the girls always grab rags to wrap around their yogurt tubes to keep their little fingers warm. NO LONGER!!! We now have yogurt cozies! And, they were so easy! (You know that has to be true, because I truly cannot sew. Please don't look at them carefully.)

I picked up some fleece remnants from JoAnn's, and some clearance ribbon from Michael's. First, I cut out some rectangles. Next, I sewed on the ribbon. Then, I folded them in half and sewed up the sides. Finally, I trimmed the sides with pinking shears.

My sewing job was terrible. The pinking shears didn't work well... I am not opening an Etsy shop any time soon, but the girls still loved them. So, I call it a success!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sea Salt Coffee

Ok, I think I did it... I think I figured out how 85 degrees makes their incredible sea salt coffee. At first I was excited; then I read the nutrition information for the heavy cream; YIKES! And I thought half and half in my coffee was a treat...

Here it is. Give it a try, but only buy the small thing of heavy cream, unless you want to gain weight like me!

2 shots of "espresso," (I just used Starbuck's Yukon Blend)
1 cup of ice
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1 Tbsp sugar

Pour the espresso in cup, and mix with the sugar. Add the ice. Mix cream and salt together. Pour over the top. Stir and drink. YUMMY!!!!! Of course, I bought the larger thing of cream, so I have to have one every day... can't waist it!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Who knew a dog eating peanuts could be so funny?!?!?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Random summerness

Summer means...
Playing in the Victoria Gardens Fountains...

Eating garden fresh carrots and homemade chicken nuggets...

Watching the puppies play...

Movie night with Grandma...

"Reading" in Mom and Dad's bed...

Pajama parties, (complete with snacks, nail polish, pretend make-up, and magazines)...

Sidewalk chalk...

Staying up WAY too late dancing with friends...

Swim lessons...

Watching swim lessons...

Fresh donut peaches, grilled cheese, and homemade guacamole...

Papa bringing home frozen yogurt and enjoying it on the front porch...

Happy First Full Day of Summer!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day 2010!

Happy Father's Day to the most wonderful husband/ dad in the world! This year we had a totally homemade Father's Day. As you saw, the girls made the pancake batter squirters, and they also "helped" me make this duvet cover. Poor Daniel has been sleeping in a sleeping bag at work for the last few years -- this present was long overdue!

Once finished, I wrapped it back up in its original plastic, but added my own tags! (Thanks, Martha!)

We also put our own labels on some of his favorite treats from Trader Joe's.

Pancakes for breakfast... what else?!!?

The girls were so proud of their present, they couldn't wait until Papa ate to make him open it!

After breakfast, Papa showed the girls how to make the crystal "sing."

Checking out his new comforter... I think he likes it!

That afternoon, Daniel and Allison went to the park to play soccer, while Natalie and I baked his favorite cookies. (Of course, we had to add some chocolate for the ladies in the house!)

Grilled fajitas for dinner, and now enjoying the wide open windows and playing some Wii... gotta run!