Sunday, April 29, 2012

This Is It!

Ok, friends... (if there are still any of you out there that check-up on me!)  The decision has been made.  I started a new blog.  Oh, it has lots and lots of kinks to work out. But, I wanted to let you know about it.  Soon, I will have my husband link the caradaniel address to it, if that is how you find me.  Anyway, here is the new link.  Please come on by and say hello!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Is anybody there? Oh my goodness, it has been 2 weeks since I've blogged! It feels more like 2 months! I have pictures. I have thoughts. I have projects, recipes, cute baby faces, and such... but I fear I'm losing my groove with each passing day! Once again, my husband may have a solution. If this one doesn't work, I am definitely purchasing more space some time this week.


Do you know what that is? That is how many posts I've published since beginning my blog in June 2008. I don't scrapbook or journal or even print very many pictures -- this is it, folks. This blog will have to be my kids' scrapbook. That means I have to get back into my groove, and quickly!

So, I am posting this for you today. I will be back this week -- somehow!

In the mean time, I have to throw-out a HUGE thank you to Jeanne Winters. She was the first blogger I fell in love with, and I just won a drawing on her blog last week. My prize arrived 2 days ago, and is already hung proudly on my wall. She designed it for Dayspring, and it is UH-MAZING! I will show you it as soon as I get this figured out. In the meantime, go check her out here!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So, here's the deal. I have not been able to blog because I was no longer able to download pictures. Blogger said I have exceeded what I am allowed to use. Huh?
I was hoping it was an April Fool's joke. No joke. Apparently my pictures are too large. Tonight I sat down with my husband, (so grateful I married a geek), and he helped me re-size some pictures. But it takes time and effort and throws a wrench into my blogging joy. Ugh!
So, I really hope to be blogging again, soon! Tonight I am too tired from our gorgeous hike up to our local waterfall. We brought our little camera only to find the batteries were dead, so at least I couldn't share pictures with you, anyway.
If anyone out there has ever come across this same problem and has a solution for me, please do share. In the meantime, I'll give my husband's method a whirl.