Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Surprise! Most of you probably didn't know Allison was going to preschool, because we just decided less than a week ago to do it! It's actually a special program through Chaffey Adult School, and is unique in that parents stay and participate. Therefore, it is also very affordable! And, "tag-alongs," (a.k.a. Natalie), are allowed, as well.

Today's activities included:

  • playing with shaving cream

  • dot painting

  • stamping

  • dress-up

  • song time

  • story time

  • show-and-tell

  • snacks

Allison had a wonderful time, and is excited to go back. Of course, her favorite activities were the dress-up as well as the crafts. Natalie struggled a bit, but will hopefully get more comfortable. Here are a few pictures:

Allison requested blueberry oatmeal pancakes for her first day of school.

Natalie liked snack time!

So did Allison!

Show-and-Tell. (I forgot to have Allison bring something: oops!)

My two "big girls"

1 comment:

  1. How fun. Eli is starting school next week (two days a week). Although, I'm not attending with him. I'm so sad, I feel like my little baby boy is growing up so fast. It will be good socialization for him and allow me to have some alone time with Emma.
