Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

I decided I don't like packing!

It is a little overwhelming to pack for yourself, your dog, and 2 toddlers for 8 days.

Luckily, it's a car trip so space is not as much of an issue. (Although, we will be doing this for a plane trip in November, so it's good practice!)

I just have to keep reminding myself that it's no big deal if I forget something because we can always go shopping!

So, I think I am set for now...

I even have my list of morning to-do's made!

So, why am I blogging when I should be sleeping?

Oh, yeah; because I'm going to grandma and grandpa's house...

I can sleep-in, read books, and sleep some more while they enjoy their grandkids!


Happy Labor Day, everyone!

Here's a random video of Allison helping Natalie. (In case you can't understand her last line, Allison tells Natalie that she's very "Brave and fearless." :))

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