Saturday, August 2, 2008


The girls and I are smoothie addicts, thanks to grandma and the "Vitamix" blender she gifted us with a few years back. We probably have smoothies 5-6 times a week. Natalie even enters our house from our morning jog and announces, "Moodies!"

We always start with ice, a banana, fresh oj, and a yogurt; those are our "staples." We then add whatever fruit is on sale at Henry's that week. Aaah, Henry's! I have to give a big thanks to them, as well... they have such great prices on fruit, and several fruits I've never even heard of before. This week, (thanks to Henry's), we had casaba fruit smoothies. I am also fascinated with fruit and how God takes a simple flower and produces a juicy fruit... amazing! Check out the cool pattern the seeds make on this casaba melon:

Ok, I'm off to enjoy my smoothie!

1 comment:

  1. We love summer smoothies. We just enjoyed one. My recipe is pretty much the same as yours. Yummy!
