Sunday, August 17, 2008

We're back!

Oh, what a weekend!

Cara: It was the longest I have ever been away from the girls, and we all survived just fine! I had a fabulous time bonding with the incredible women at the MOPS leadership retreat in Big Bear. We worshipped, prayed, laughed, bonded, and even went down an Alpine Slide. And, of course, we ate lots of yummy food. One lady had to remind us that there was no need to get up, nor shove the food down because the kids weren't there!

Daniel and the girls: They had an awesome camping trip with our good friends from small group. I tried all afternoon to download a video for you, but it didn't work. So, for now here is a cute story and some fun pictures:
Apparently, the girls asked to go to bed and happily went to the tent on their own. (So much for me worrying about them sleeping in the tent!) After Daniel tucked them in and left, he said they just kept talking and talking. Our friend Deena walked by and heard Allison say "Don't worry, Natalie. I'm right here, ok? If you need anything, let me know, ok Natalie?" Oh, how that melted my heart!! And, they slept great... straight through the night! Praise God!!

Kudos to my husband for being so brave and doing such an awesome job. Luckily, he had lots of help from our friends' little girls who took over as babysitters.
Kylie and Allison
Kylie and Natalie

The four girls!

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