Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The "Fall Mix"

It all started back in college... I had loved candy corn as a kid, but by college it had lost its appeal. That is, until I discovered it paired up with some peanuts! Suddenly it took on a new life. Upon moving back to California, I added some fall-colored m&m's, and VOILA! The "Fall Mix" was born.
Close friends of mine show-up at the house looking for it once the fall decorations are up. They also know there are "rules" that go along with the fall mix, such as it is "illegal" to pick out your favorites, (i.e. just m&m's), unless there is another person eating just the other items to balance you out.

I always enjoy introducing the fall mix to new people. It is especially fun to try to find exactly the right combo... I would share with you mine, but it seems to change each year. This year I think I like 3 peanuts, 2 candy corn, and 1 m&m in each bite. Even my husband enjoys the fall mix, which is great for me because there are many sweets he does not enjoy! Something about the salted peanuts makes it just right for him!

So, next time you're in the area stop on by for some fall mix... we'd love to have you!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sleeping Beauties

What is it about sleeping kids that makes them so adorable?

It's a good thing that kisses don't wake-up my girls!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


This is where I want to be right now... aahhh... We were off to such a good start with a real chilly first day of fall, but now the "Indian Summer" seems to be back! At least it cools off at night! For now, I will just drink my iced coffee (rather than hot), sit in my a/c (wearing my jeans), read my "Sunset," and pretend it's cold outside!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


We have a little lemon tree. Tiny, really... I bought it after seeing an adorable landscape with a giant lemon tree in the center. I told Daniel I wanted our landscaping to look like that. And, perhaps some day it will grow large and look as nice as the one I saw. Then the girls can have a lemonade stand to profit from our little tree. But for now, it is just a little tree... with 32 lemons! (I had to count, because I couldn't believe it!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Perfect Day

Last night I explained to Daniel just how today should go... ideally, of course! Today was one of those awesome days where everything went as planned! We started the morning at Adventure City; an amusement park designed for kids 13mos. - 6 yrs. old. The girls had a blast! It is such a cute little place. On the drive home, both girls fell asleep; (just as we had hoped!)

We got home and actually had time to ourselves! We then woke them up just in time to go pick-up a pizza and their babysitter. It was our first time hiring a "real" babysitter, and the girls were super excited! As for Daniel and I, we went out to dinner and were able to try a new restaraunt before heading to see the sold-out opening of "Fireproof." We were both very impressed. It is an awesome movie, so well-written and full of humor as well as important marital lessons.

I'm off to bed with a huge smile! (Sorry... we took no pictures today!)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Celebrating Fall

Top 3 reasons why decorating Fall cookies is the best:

3. A lot of time has passed since the last opportunity for baking holiday cookies; (4th of July)

2. It's finally cool enough to turn on your oven, (though today was not so cool!!)

1. Candy corn makes the yummiest cookie topping!

Today I was blessed to have an old friend come over to decorate fall cookies. She's a fellow fall-lover, so that made it extra special! Not to mention, she has 2 adorable kids; one whom I haven't seen since he was a baby, and the other I just met! Ok, I'm off to catch the season premiere of Survivor! In the meantime, here are a few pictures of the bakers: (Notice Allison's "homemade" Baker's hat!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Since posting the bunk bed story, I think I have had about a dozen people ask me if I'm pregnant, again. The answer: nope. But, I have decided that YOU, my faithful readers, will be the first to know when we do get pregnant, again. So, read those future blogs carefully!

On another note, the girls are doing great in their new beds! After I read them each a story on the red chair, I say "Ok, go get in your big girl beds!" They both get a huge smile, and fly off my lap. I think it's adorable!

Last night I heard them talking, so I opened the door to make sure they were both still in bed. (They were!) So, I said "Good night, again." Allison said in a sweet voice, "Don't worry, mom... I'll encourage Natalie... NATALIE, ZIP IT!" It was pretty funny!

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Fall

By default, today is a good day. It HAS to be a good day because it's the first day of Fall! But, today was indeed extra special. Why?

1) It was overcast and chilly this morning!

2) I had the windows open all day, and didn't need a/c.

3) I wore jeans!

4) My husband sent me a "Happy Fall" card... what a sweetie!

5) The girls and I had a blast decorating for fall and making homemade pizza for dinner.

Here is Allison trying on Natalie's costume from last year!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I know church is not about having a pastor who is a "great speaker."
It's not about amazing programs, awesome decor, or even incredible worship.
Basically, I know church is not about me; it's about Him!
And, that is why I so love my church...
We have a pastor who does not cater to pleasing everyone;
He simply speaks the truth of the Bible in love.
Our worship does not feel like a concert;
it is God-directed, and the Holy Spirit shows up!
Most importantly, it is filled with intercessors who are always praying!
I was just feeling so blessed to have our church today that I had to blog about it.
I have been slacking on my Bible-reading this week, and left church ready to dive into God's Word!
I was also joyfully singing the awesome hymn "It is well," that we sung this morning all day.
Praise God for our Country!
Praise God for our freedom!
Praise God for Water of Life Community Church!
If you would like to check out today's message, here is the link:
Then, click on "sermons, and today's date (9/21/08)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Today is Triscuit's 1st birthday. Allison was so excited that she was up singing to him before I could pull myself out of bed! In honor of this special occasion, we did our morning jog to the park where he chased several balls. We then came home and the girls helped me make a dog bone cake. (Not for poor Triscuit, but for us in honor of him!) I just made a box cake, (funfetti, my favorite!) in a banana bread pan as well as some cupcakes, and frosted them together to look like a bone!

As if that weren't enough sugar for the morning, we headed to Chick-Fil-A for free chicken sandwiches, cotton candy, stuffed cows, and a bounce house. I can't believe how generous that restaraunt is... they get our business more than any other fast food! We brought our little neighbor along, and I wish I had a picture or video of the 3 of them in the back seat with their balloons and cotton candy; it was adorable!

Happy Birthday, Triscuit!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Flashback Friday

When I first decided to do a blog, I thought through who my audience might be...
But it never occurred to me that my children would be my biggest fans! Every day we have to
"See videos... See pictures."
And, it's not good enough for Allison to see a picture of Natalie, or vice versa. My little narcissists have to see themselves as the "star."
So, I've decided to add a "feature" to my blog... (Oooh, how exciting! :))
I'm calling it "Flashback Fridays"
Lately, Allison has wanted to see videos of herself at Natalie's age.
So, this one is for you, kiddo!
January 10, 2007 Age: 19 months

Sleepover Time!

As of a minute ago, I just tucked the girls into their bunk beds... for the 10th time! I wish I was exaggerating. They are not scared or crying or upset... quite the contrary, I think they are simply wired! Why?

Daniel and the girls spent the morning putting together their new bunk beds as I was out getting my hair done. So, this afternoon we decided to walk over to Victoria Gardens as a family to go buy a twin sheet for Allison's top bunk. We went to Macy's since we still have a gift card their from our wedding! (Yes, I did say our wedding!) We didn't find what I was looking for, but we did find an adorable cherry pattern that Allison loved.. and it was on sale!

Since we were there, we decided to walk around to different stores. Of course, I had to go to Bath and Body Works to check out their fall collection and smell some apples, pumpkin, and cinnamon. Naturally, we had to go to the Thomas store next since it's next door.

Finally, we decided just to go to P.F. Changs for an early dinner... I absolutely love spontaneous dinner dates, because 1) I don't have to cook, 2) I don't have to do dishes, 3) It's especialy fun on days I get my hair done because I feel like a "mall person" rather than a sweaty mom with no make-up and a visor on, as is usually the case for me.

So, why are the girls wired? Besides the excitement of our outting and the new beds, we also stopped at Beard Papa's for some boba milk tea and cream puffs for dessert. But, now that I've written all this about 10 minutes has passed, and the house is very quiet... I think the sugar rush has finally worn off!

We still need a comforter cover for Allison, as well as a little rearranging, but here are some pictures and a video for ya:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

San Mateo part 2

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this blog with 6 videos is worth about 60,000 words! So, I won't talk much. I'll just say that these videos were taken during our family beach trip to the tide pools. It was an awesome, exhausting day. It meant so much to me to take our girls to some places that were very special to me as a kid! Especially in September; (almost fall!) So, with that said, no further words are neccesary. Here is our day in Half Moon Bay:

Monday, September 15, 2008

The violin lesson

Aaahhh... back to "normal!" Today the girls headed back to preschool. (Daniel took them today so that I could have some free time!) Then, this afternoon we went down to Fullerton to get bunkbeds for the girls, followed by sushi. The girls had a blast playing on the furniture, as well as playing with their balloon animals from the sushi chef. We are all very excited about the upcoming slumber parties!

I'll post pictures of the bunkbeds once they're all set-up. In the meantime, I would still like to give you some highlights from our trip. Here is Allison having a violin lesson from my former Sunday School teacher. (She was very excited about it!)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

San Mateo Part 1

So, I am going to try to condense 11 days of vacation down to a brief list of favorite occurences, followed by some favorite photos. (The photos are from Coyote Point) Ready?

stayed in my jammies until 2pm * read a book: "the shack" * went to coyote point: (kids museum, beach, and awesome park) * discovered several fun parks * fed the chickens * picked apples * saw old friends * went on a couple kidless dates with my husband * went to the tidepools * went to the pumpkin patch by the beach and rode ponies * made my september menu * slept-in while grandma took care of the girls * went shopping all by myself * ate fresh peas in the pod and cooked a live crab from our beach trip

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We're Back!

Hello, Hello!!

We are back from our extended vacation of 11 full days!

We had such a great time, but as always it is nice to be home!

I can't wait to share with you some of the highlights.

(They're on the way!)

For now, let me leave you with some pictures from our walk around the block last evening. It seems we left for our vacation in the summer and came home to fall weather... just perfect for taking evening strolls! (Grandma and Grandpa came back with us since they have a wedding down here this weekend.)