Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sleepover Time!

As of a minute ago, I just tucked the girls into their bunk beds... for the 10th time! I wish I was exaggerating. They are not scared or crying or upset... quite the contrary, I think they are simply wired! Why?

Daniel and the girls spent the morning putting together their new bunk beds as I was out getting my hair done. So, this afternoon we decided to walk over to Victoria Gardens as a family to go buy a twin sheet for Allison's top bunk. We went to Macy's since we still have a gift card their from our wedding! (Yes, I did say our wedding!) We didn't find what I was looking for, but we did find an adorable cherry pattern that Allison loved.. and it was on sale!

Since we were there, we decided to walk around to different stores. Of course, I had to go to Bath and Body Works to check out their fall collection and smell some apples, pumpkin, and cinnamon. Naturally, we had to go to the Thomas store next since it's next door.

Finally, we decided just to go to P.F. Changs for an early dinner... I absolutely love spontaneous dinner dates, because 1) I don't have to cook, 2) I don't have to do dishes, 3) It's especialy fun on days I get my hair done because I feel like a "mall person" rather than a sweaty mom with no make-up and a visor on, as is usually the case for me.

So, why are the girls wired? Besides the excitement of our outting and the new beds, we also stopped at Beard Papa's for some boba milk tea and cream puffs for dessert. But, now that I've written all this about 10 minutes has passed, and the house is very quiet... I think the sugar rush has finally worn off!

We still need a comforter cover for Allison, as well as a little rearranging, but here are some pictures and a video for ya:

1 comment:

  1. So now that the girls are sharing a room is it time for #3? ;)
