Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Blustery Day

It's that time of year... the Santa Ana's are back! For most of us here in Rancho Cucamonga that means:

  • Interrupted sleep at night due to loud gusts

  • Kids stuck inside

  • A big mess in the yard; (notice our downed rose tree)

For us Yeh's, it also means potential wildfires for Daniel. Last year about this time, Daniel was gone for 8 or 9 days; 2 of which were spent fighting his first wildfire. It was difficult to get a hold of him because his cell phone was dead, and his working hours were all crazy.

This year we're prepared! After hearing the winds were coming, Daniel went to work yesterday with his cell phone charger... and it's a good thing! Today he got held over, and was assigned to a strike team. For now, they're just on standby... We'll see what happens! Keep him in your prayers, as well as all the other firefighters! Thanks!

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