Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Folk Music Store Field Trip

Today our pre-school had a field trip to the folk music store in Claremont. As soon as I heard "Claremont," I immediately thought of my favorite bakery, "Some Crust." So, I called my friend to see if she wanted to go early and hit the bakery first. Just to make it extra fun for the kids, we decided to take the train, as well. It was only a 15 minute ride, but so worth it for the kids; no car seats, no seatbelts, and it was a train!

All went well, and the kids had a blast. We even played freeze tag and Mr. Fox in front of City Hall in between the bakery and the music store. As for me, it was even educational... I learned of several new instruments while there, as well. (Just don't ask me to remember the names of them; for that, ask Allison!)

1 comment:

  1. I love that music store in Claremont. I bought Eli a few instruments from there. LOVE, love, love some crust also. Wish I was there to go with you.
