Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is it Christmas time, yet?

Ok, so I am one of those people who absolutely has to wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas. After all, I believe having a greatful heart has given me much joy in life, and I want to pass that gift on to my children!

However, it has been SO tough to wait for Christmas this year! Perhaps it's because Thanksgiving is so late... or maybe it was the winter wonderland of the midwest that got me so ready. I hate to give credit to the retailers, but perhaps their early marketing of Christmas actually worked on me this year. At any rate, I am most definitely ready to get this season started! And, although I won't decorate my house until after our Thanksgiving feast, I figured I could at least change my blog background! (That's not cheating, right? :) )

Speaking of decorating, I usually don't have a "theme" for my Christmas decor other than, well... Christmas! But, for some reason, (probably thanks to retailers, again), I am drawn to peppermint everything this year!

My mom's close friend works for William Sonoma's chocolate company and has already blessed me with some peppermint bark! I have eaten more than I want to admit. I also had to buy Starbuck's peppermint mocha frappucino's from Target. I never get those little things, but for some reason I couldn't pass them up this year! Then there's Bath and Body Works peppermint soap and lotion... yummy! Now I just can't wait to pull out all the red and white decorations my mom got me a few years back. Just 3 more days...

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. I feel the same way. I just think it's wrong to decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving gets squeezed out by the retailers. You better bet though, that our house will be filled with Christmas cheer this weekend!! Can't wait to see your decor, I need some inspiration!
