Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another True Story...

Today my sweet husband spent most of the day with our sweet girls, while I ran errands and helped serve dinner at our church play. Being the awesome dad that he is, Daniel decided to give the girls hot cocoa and let them roast marshmallows and sing carols before bed. (I wonder if he took all these pictures just for me to blog?) Anyway, being the firefighter that he is, I of course trust him to build a fire. Granted, we haven't done it in a while, but still... who forgets to open the flute (sp?)? My firefighting husband? You guessed it! And, he even took a video of it for us to enjoy. It scared me! Check this out....

1 comment:

  1. AAAAHHH! I hate lighting our fire for that reason but at least I remember to open the flue! (I just don't like waiting for it to catch.) Silly Firefighter.
