Sunday, March 22, 2009

Simple... Sweet... Fun!

Today was a glorious rainy day. It didn't start out so glorious... our kitchen was still a mess from the night before, and I attempted to make pancakes and kept reading the directions wrong! But, it sparked something in me to spend the whole day listening to worship music and cleaning! Now I get to go to bed early in a clean house. Aaaah....
Oh, so what is that picture on the right? Last weekend we went to Claremont's Spring Fair, and it was so awesome. It was in the Packing House, which is an old converted building full of character, which I just love. First, the girls got to paint a cup in front of the museum. Then, we went to the kids craft studio, where they made these lovely spring plates. You just decoupage some tissue paper to a plate, add foamies, then punch holes for some pipe cleaner and you're done! The girls loved it! The final stop was Young Chef's Academy, where they decorated a cookie on a stick, and got to wrap it to take home. All this for FREE! Oh, and we went after naptime, which meant we were practically the only ones there. And, we got to sit on the Easter bunny's lap! Sadly, I forgot my camera :(

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