Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lesson Learned

So, can you guess where this picture was taken? Yup... the new Toy Story ride at Disneyland. (Daniel and my favorite!)

The day started out...
Rough! We had just pulled into the parking lot, when Allison kept saying her seat was uncomfortable and she wanted out of the car. We should have known.... the next thing we knew, she threw-up all over! Poor girl. And, bad mommy; I didn't bring any extra clothes! Luckily, she felt 100% better after that, and I had an extra shirt wandering in the back of the car. (I won't tell you how much it cost us to get her princess underwear and a new princess skirt, but let me just say I learned my lesson!)
The rest of our time at Disney turned out...
Awesome! It was the least crowded we'd ever seen it! That meant we were able to go on several rides, and even tried out some new ones! And, the weather was a perfect 70.
The end of our day was...
A bit disappointing. We returned to our car where we had placed all of our thrown-up clothes and objects in a bag on top of the car so that our car wouldn't smell as bad when returning... and, the bag was gone! Who would take such a thing? Again, lesson learned!


  1. Either someone will be quite surprised by the smell inside the bag they took (serves them right!) or the Disney people keep their parking garage very clean.

  2. Lesson learned from way over here too.
