Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

What a sweet, beautiful day! The girls had a good night's sleep... my husband came home, and we spent the day as a family! This morning I asked the girls to pose for a picture for me for Mother's Day. I thought it turned out pretty sweet! After church and a wonderful nap, we met up with Daniel's family and walked over to Gyu Kaku for dinner. It's a Japanese restaraunt, where you are served all raw food and you grill it yourself. The girls were both clingy and crabby until they "discovered" each other. Then they happily entertained each other, and we happily ate!

Dessert consisted of s'mores... how awesome is that? At least, the girls thought so! Daniel's cousin's also enjoyed their first ever s'mores, which was fun to watch!

The Family Shot
Honestly, it was a very special day. Not neccessarily because of all the special touches... I just couldn't stop thanking God for blessing me! Truly, motherhood is so special. My heart is overflowing as I ponder all that God has done for us! And, I feel a special attachment to my little Yehbie growing inside me. I keep thinking of the moms who have lost babies, or who could not have babies, or the kids who don't have moms. Allison and I said some special prayers for them tonight, and I am just so proud that she seemed to understand, and prayed for God to touch them... that was the best gift of all!

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