Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One Year Blogoversary/ Giveaway!

If you've read this blog for any extended period of time, you probably know that one of my favorite books for ideas to do with the kids is "Kid Concoctions." Just yesterday, I got the recipe for washable window paints... (2 parts clear liquid dish soap to 1 part liquid tempera paint) I try to blog about our adventures in creativity, but there are so many more to try. So, in honor of my one year blogoversary, I'd like to give YOU a copy of the Kid's Concoctions book so you can try all these ideas for yourself. All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me your favorite activity to do with your kids. You have one week from today, (June 30... my actual blogoversary), by midnight to leave me a comment. I will draw a name and announce the winner July 1. Since the most comments I've ever gotten on a blog entry to date is about 5, you have a pretty good chance of winning! Good luck, and thanks for celebrating with me! :)


  1. I love reading your blog Cara. You're such a great wife, mom and above all, daughter of God. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  2. How fun Cara! Pick me! :)

    My favorite thing to do with the kids?? Hmmmm. . . simple things like play doh, pretending (store, camping, forts), being outside! :)

    love you!

  3. Hey friend! I am more than happy to share a comment! :) One of the things that I love to do with my boys is run through the sprinkler and pretend it is a car wash. Another thing we love is indoor picnics in the winter on the living room floor. Sometimes the simplest things are the sweetest... Happy blogging!

  4. I read your post daily but never comment....but if there's something to be won...I'M WRITING!! =) Favorite things to do with the kids....play worship music really loud and use the pots 'n pans and cooking utensils to bang and sing and dance along! Luv your blog girl!

  5. I love your blog. Thank you so much for all of your great ideas. Your family is beautiful.My favorite thing to do with my girls is to get in my bed with them and make a tent with the blankets. We hide under them and read books. They love it.

  6. Congrats on one year!! My favorite thing to do is swimming. Lately we do The Little Mermaid characters. We have princess Ariel, prince Eric/Flounder and I "get" to be a nice Ursula/Flounder/Ariel's sister! Sometimes I just make a "tunnel" (arch) for them to swim under like Ariel does when exploring. They go for a carriage ride, or we just swim around with our feet together like we have a mer-people tail! ;-)

    But I already have your blog full of fun creative ideas - like the volcano - so if I don't win, I'll just have to keep coming back here to see what projects you suggest!

  7. I guess I didn't tell you my favorite activity to do with my children. Surprise, surprise...it's gardening. Emma usually spend the time eating grass and dirt. Eli helps me harvest our veggies, dig in the dirt and water the little plants. In my dreams we have acres of gardening land and a fruit and veggie stand out front to share our bounty.

    I'm not trying to enter your give-a-way twice, you can disregard my first comment! :)

  8. Hey look! Already you have 8 comments! I like to bake with my boys - I get to spend time with them AND eat the awesome creations. :) I hope I win... I need some fun ideas for the summer! But if not, well I'll just ring up my friend Cara or check out her blog for creative ideas. ;)
