Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This and That

What have the Yeh's been up to? First of all, I am LOVING our "June gloom" weather. I can't get enough of these overcast mornings and sunny days! Sunday we went with some friends to the Angel's game, and enjoyed not only a phenomenal game, but a great day with friends and no kids! Our sweet friends who babysat the whole day also brought us the beautiful flowers pictured above. They are in the same glass as my smoothie... a recycled peach jar from Trader Joe's.
Speaking of peaches, we have also been enjoying the summer fruit that's been on sale at Henry's. I think I ate 5 peaches yesterday. (The first of the season, and I just love fruit when I'm pregnant!) We've also had quite a few enormous strawberries. I don't get to eat many, as they are Allison's favorite. But, we've had so many lately that she's actualy willing to share!
And, of course, our bubble wands... We just got new ones from the dollar store, and have gone through a huge thing of bubbles in the last 3 days. They literally spend over an hour each morning playing, and playing, and playing. I suppose it is nicer than blowing. Not only do you get bigger bubbles, but you don't get light-headed! (Side-note: Allison has been dressing herself. Mom did NOT pick out this outfit!)

1 comment:

  1. Love the outfit Allison. I'll be over soon with Eli and Emma. We can all play bubbles together!
