Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bathroom Bible Verse

Here is the finished verse. I am so inspired that I want to paint verses all over my house, now! (We'll see about that!) But, I do love the idea of seeing this verse each day, and hope that will encourage me and help me to memorize more scripture!

For Mel: It really was a fairly easy project. I used a level and a piece of chalk to get a straight line. I then wrote out the verse in chalk, so I could see the spacing of it. I would then erase one word at a time, and paint it on. Once I was completely finished and it had dried, I used a towel to wipe away the chalk line and any other excess chalk. You can use any acrylic paints from any craft store. However, the higher the price, the better the quality. You don't have to buy the super expensive kind, but don't get the cheapest, either. As for the bird on the branch, I had that pictured in my mind for a while, so when I started I just chalked it out, then painted it in. Hope that helps!
Allison: "Mom, what do those words say that you're painting?"
Me: "It's a Bible verse that I can see every morning as I'm taking a shower. You see, some mornings I wake up a little tired and grumpy and wish away my day. This verse reminds me that each day is a gift from God, and I need to change my attitude and ask God to help me to choose joy each day."
Allison: "Oh, mom... sometimes I feel that way, too! I think you need to paint that verse in my room, and Yehbie's room, and everyones' room to remind us all to pray that to Jesus!"


  1. how funny - we have the same exact paint color in our bathroom! =) Great job, again! When you're done w/ all the rooms in your house you can come to our house!

  2. Cara, what an amazing teachable moment you had with your daughter about praising God for each new day! Love the idea of this! It looks really nice! thanks for the tips! did you use a stencil or just painted the words yourself? Do they sell stencils and where would I get them for wall painting?
