Saturday, August 22, 2009

Yehbie Update!

We had another perinatal appointment this morning! Awww... I love Saturdays! There was no waiting, and the technician offered to let us have a 4-d view! Look! There she is! Oh... did I mention we're having a girl?!?? We decided to find out after our last appointment, since there were very different concerns with girls than boys with this kidney problem.

We had a different doctor see us this time, and she once again reiterated that this problem was much more common in boys. Anyway, she was also very optimistic. Unfortunately, the kidney is still large, which means it probably will be once the baby is born. However, she thought the baby will not need to go to the NICU, but just have a special ultrasound once she's born. We'll see from there. I am believing God for a miracle. To Him be the glory! Thanks for your prayers and concern.


  1. CONGRATS!!!!!!! Oh, how exciting...another girl. I can't believe you found out, I am in total shock. Oh, my winning (or being right) streak is over. I guessed you were having a boy. David and I are and will continue to pray for her and her kidney.

  2. She is so pretty! You can really see her features, especially in the last picture. How many weeks are you? Did they give you an estimated weight?
    I remember when I was pregnant with Seth and had to have a bunch of ultrasounds, the tech would tell me how much he weighed. I delievered him 3 days after my last ulrasound and he weighed only an ounce different than what she had told me. Amazing how they can figure this stuff out while baby is still in the womb!

  3. I was right! Not that I had any rhyme or reason for my guess. :) I know about those perinatal appts... good cuz you get to "see" your kiddo often but bad that you're there at all. I'm excited that she may not have to go to the NICU at birth! And we'll continue to pray for some miracle kidneys for that sweet little girl! :)

  4. Absolutely beautiful! She's chubby!! I love chubby!!

  5. Congratulations on your baby girl!! I have been blessed with 3 boys! I would love a daughter one day...but only God knows☺ I will keep you and your baby girl in prayer! Cool pics!

  6. Will continue to pray for baby girl #3! yay! God knows you so well, b/c you're amazing with girls already! And I think he wants to triple the fun! Hope Dan won't be too intimidated with 4 of them in the house and quadruple the estrogen! =P
