Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Old Town Bakery Tour

Our sweet friend Katie set-up a bakery tour for us at Old Town Baking Co. this morning. As soon as I opened the car door, Natalie commented, "I smell something!" Indeed, there is no better smell than fresh-baked bread and goodies!

Luckily, Daniel is home today and made it just in time for the tour.

One of the best parts for the girls was just playing on the bar out front. For me, it was eating a pumpkin muffin and sipping coffee! Of course, it was also tough to say no to the chocolate croissant... Just 33 more days until I can enjoy one of those! Here are a few more pictures:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Recycled Cards

I briefly mentioned this a few days ago, but we have a bunch of old fall/ Halloween cards just stuffed away in our Halloween bin. I'm not sure many people save old fall or Halloween cards, but if you do, they are fun to recycle! (If you don't have them, you can use Halloween magazines, or even junk mail ads that have leaves, pumpkins, etc.!) Yesterday, the girls and I cut them all up and glued them to construction paper. We also added some stamps and stickers, and it was a hit! Now to hang them up...

Monday, September 28, 2009

I FINALLY finished it...

Remember my tiles from MOPS? Well, friends... they are on my wall! Thanks so much for all the comments/ suggestions from everyone on how to hang them. I finally decided on E 6000 glue. My friend promised it would work, and so far I feel confident! I got it at Michael's, and the lady told me it is a best-seller. (She said it's even better than Gorilla glue, which was my other choice!)

For Melissa: To make the tiles, it's a 2-part epoxy. You mix equal parts hardener and resin. You can get both ingredients at Michael's. Let me know if your MOPS group does it, and how they turn out! Actually, let me know if you decide to do it first, and I can give you some tips!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fall Crafting with Kids

Most "real" crafts I do together with the girls. However, they are now at the age where they are able to get paper, sit at their own little craft desk, and do something on their own. I keep markers and scissors on hand, and get many "cards" each day! During the Holidays, I also add stamps that I get from the dollar section at Target. They are great because they don't require an ink pad, the girls love to use them to embellish their pictures, and they last forever! (And, did I mention they come in packs of 6 for a dollar?)

This year I also got a few things to put in a fall craft basket to pull out when we need a relaxing activity. I spent less than $10, and have the following included in my basket:
  • Fall rub-ons
  • Fall foamies
  • Halloween beads
  • pipe cleaners
  • Fall-colored pom poms
  • pumpkin and other fall wooden cut-outs (25 cents at Michael's)
  • old cards from fall and Halloween that I've saved (Free!)
I've also been searching the blogs, and have a list of a few ideas I want to try! I'll post them as soon as we get to them. Until then, happy crafting!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Oak Glen

We finally made it to Oak Glen... only to find out that this was a bad year for apples, and they only allow you to pick on weekends. We had one sad 4 year old, who kept declaring that her parents had broken their promise. **tear**

Alas, we found a great lunch spot where the girls enjoyed some apple cider, as well as a fun game of hide-and-seek. They also got to see "Johnny Appleseed" make some fresh cider, taste test different apples, and watch some petting zoo animals. As usual, I loved just being in the mountains... so refreshing! It's amazing what a difference a 30 minute drive can make! Here are a few pictures:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall Decor

As per your request, this post is for you!

I think the decor is pretty self-explanatory, but here are some"tips." I got the ribbon shown above at the dollar section at Target... can't beat that! And, it comes with 5 different ones, so you can use some for your daughter's hair. :) In the past I've also put the decorative balls in a bowl, which looks good as well. You probably have access to moe leaves than me. You can frame them, throw them on a table, or have your kids make some art for you!

I use lots of candles, even if they're worn-down and mis-matched! Grouped together, they still look good. (I think!) I also used my yellow daisies this year, which are normally only out in the spring. I needed something to vary the height on my table, so I discarded the fact that they looked springy, and used them anyway. Because of their orangy-yellow color, it worked!

On my fireplace mantle, I used the spiders my girls made the first day of fall. I think they're cute, and the girls feel so proud! I stuck with just black and orange to unify it, and give it more of a Halloween look. I know I'm early, but I just get too excited!

I hope you have so much fun decorating tomorrow! Thanks for thinking of me.... I always think of you at this time of year, too! Glad it's cooler in Texas!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hump Day Humor!

Ever since receiving some Fancy Nancy books for her birthday, Allison has become a HUGE fan! Naturally, she is going to be Fancy Nancy for Halloween. (I found the costume on sale in July... can't beat that!) A big part of the Fancy Nancy books is using fancy words... which Allison has taken to heart. Here are some of her recent quotes. Hope this makes you smile, as it has us!

  • Noticing the cup left on the counter by a friend, "Did G's mommy forget to take inventory before she left?"
  • While eating our end of summer meal outside, "I love eating al fresco!"
  • Pointing to a cute outfit in a book, "Do you like her ensemble?"
  • Rather than being 'scared,' "You startled me, Mom!"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Fall Fun!!

Happy First Day of Fall, my friends! I've been waiting for this day for some time. Not only does it mean cozy jeans, fun fall decor, cooler weather, apple-picking, and Halloween, but it means Yehbie is coming, soon! Yeh!

Ok, so today isn't exactly cool. 101 and windy is not quite what I had in mind! But, we went forth with our day, as planned. With the a/c on by 8am this morning, we heated up the oven and started by making some sugar cookies.

Next came our first craft. We made cute little spiders using egg cartons, glitter, black paint, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners.

Didn't they turn out cute?

Of course, we had to have a snack... caramel apples, and these spider creations. Yummy!

Next we braved the wind and heat to blow some pumpkin bubbles.

Time for another craft! We took canned food lids and made them into pumpkin magnets with a little glue and construction paper.

For lunch, we had egg salad sandwiches cut into acorns. (By the time I thought to take a picture, all the sandwiches were half-eaten!) So, I'll move right onto dessert... decorating our cookies! I'll admit, this was no fun for me, as I still can't have sugar! But, it was fun to watch the little ones enjoy it.

Hope you have a yummy first day of Fall!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Triscuit!

Our sweet pup turned 2 yesterday, and to celebrate we attempted to make a tennis ball cake. Unfortunately, it was pretty hot outside, and I don't think I let the cake cool enough. Please don't laugh at our green blob!

As I tucked Allison in for bed, she said, "Triscuit's birthday was not as I expected!!" What do you mean? "Well, I thought the cake wuld be round with white stripes to look more like a tennis ball." Sorry, kiddo! (She sure didn't complain as she was eating it!)

The green blob!

Awwww... lucky pup!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Simple Tray Project

I've been thinking about getting a little tray for my bathroom for a while now. However, when I think of trays, I usually picture something traditional, which my house is not. So, I decided to make one myself. It was so easy, so cheap, and I am very happy with it! I just bought a $10 frame from Ikea, along with some $2 handles, and that was it I framed an old cloth napkin I've had forever, and someday I hope to embellish more. Some ideas I have:
  • Frame a picture
  • Put the girls silhouettes in there
  • Type up and cut out a scripture to put in
Of course, you don't really see what's in there anyway since it's covered with my junk, but at least junk on a tray looks more organized than junk on my counter!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Growing up...

Look at those sweet girls... Allison and G are just one day apart, and we have pictures of them just days old together. Now here they are at 4 heading to their first day of gymnastics!

It didn't even occur to me until we were in the car that perhaps Natalie would like to join, too. Even though the class is for 3 and 4 year olds, the coach said Natalie was doing great and able to follow directions, and therefore could join the class with her sister!

I'm so happy they are in the class together!

All the girls had so much fun! I am so excited... this is the first thing I have ever enrolled the girls in!
The coaches at Precision are incredible. I know the girls are not only learning coordination, building muscles, and having fun, but also learning to take directions from an adult other than mommy or daddy. They can't wait to go back! Yeh for gymnastics!