Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Fall Fun!!

Happy First Day of Fall, my friends! I've been waiting for this day for some time. Not only does it mean cozy jeans, fun fall decor, cooler weather, apple-picking, and Halloween, but it means Yehbie is coming, soon! Yeh!

Ok, so today isn't exactly cool. 101 and windy is not quite what I had in mind! But, we went forth with our day, as planned. With the a/c on by 8am this morning, we heated up the oven and started by making some sugar cookies.

Next came our first craft. We made cute little spiders using egg cartons, glitter, black paint, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners.

Didn't they turn out cute?

Of course, we had to have a snack... caramel apples, and these spider creations. Yummy!

Next we braved the wind and heat to blow some pumpkin bubbles.

Time for another craft! We took canned food lids and made them into pumpkin magnets with a little glue and construction paper.

For lunch, we had egg salad sandwiches cut into acorns. (By the time I thought to take a picture, all the sandwiches were half-eaten!) So, I'll move right onto dessert... decorating our cookies! I'll admit, this was no fun for me, as I still can't have sugar! But, it was fun to watch the little ones enjoy it.

Hope you have a yummy first day of Fall!


  1. Love the magnets. May have to try that with my kids. I made those spider snacks last year for Kya's class. They were such a huge hit that I am making them again this year.

  2. We're doing the spiders later on and we made leaf cookies too but the magnets... fun! I'll have to start saving lids. :) Glad you had a fun fall day, even if you can't eat sugar and it's 100 degress.

  3. Wish I was there with you. Wait, maybe you wish you were here with me. It was cool. We're talking sweater weather.
