Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The countdown is on...

With just 19 days to go before Yehbie arrives, I am cherishing every "free " moment that comes my way. Today is a beautiful rainy day, and the first of 4 days in a row that Daniel is home... yay! So, while Daniel took the girls to Pump-it-Up this morning, I enjoyed a latte on the porch while watching the rain fall. This afternoon, we enjoyed a nap on the couch, while the girls had "rest," (play) time in their room. We have some yummy fish marinating in the fridge, and are looking forward to a quiet evening playing the Wii. Remind me of this glorious day when I am exhausted in a few weeks!


  1. Isn't it funny how you SO want the baby to come and yet you also want to freeze this time? I remember being that same way before Dawson was born. Eager to start life as a family of 5 but a little sad to give up the family of 4. Enjoy your 19 days of sleep and then relish that sweet baby cuz boy does it go by FAST! :)

  2. I agree with Karen. I felt the same way when I was close to delivering Emma. So excited about the new addition but not yet ready for the fourth member to arrive yet. I can't wait to see the new baby girl.
