Friday, October 30, 2009

Feeling Blessed

It is official... Today was my last day being home alone with just my 2 girls! Tomorrow Daniel begins his month long vacation, (if he can survive!), and my mom arrives to help with the girls while we're in the hospital. So, how did we spend the day?

This morning we had a special MOPS craft day where the girls made plastic plates. While we were there, a sweet mom and friend who is due with her 3rd boy mid-November brought me a present for Yehbie; an adorable outfit that I've already washed for Yehbie to wear home, and this nursing cover that she made herself! Isn't it adorable? I was so touched... I love handmade gifts, and the material she chose is so me! What a blessing!

The girls and I spent the afternoon painting Halloween rocks. Of course, we'll continue to do crafts when Yehbie arrives. However, it felt really special to be doing what we love to do, just the 3 of us one last time. I had other crafts lined-up, but they were so into this one that I decided the others can just wait until next year!

Finally, just before making dinner some good friends stopped by and surprised us with a Halloween goody bag full of fun stuff! The girls got cute Halloween cups that they love, filled with candy and a cute Halloween pencil. They also got handmade cards, which are beautifully displayed in my living room. My favorite were these adorable hair clips, which actually stayed in the girls' hair! Guess what they'll be wearing tomorrow??!?

Some days it's easier to count blessings than others. Today my heart is just overflowing with joy. I feel



  1. I'm so glad you are feeling blessed - especially right before Yehbie arrives and major change occurs. I'll be praying for you and can't wait to meet sweet Yeh girl #3. (And to learn her name!) ;)

  2. Starting the prayer vigil now, friend! Can't wait to hear about your sweet little one's safe arrival. God is SO good, isn't He?

  3. Thank you, thank you Kirsten! He is SO good, and SO faithful! I have total peace. Can't wait to post pics for you!!

  4. Thank you, Karen!!! I can't imagine the changes, but I am excited and planning to call you with 3 kid questions :)
