Friday, January 8, 2010

Our Last Hoorah!

We're back from our last hoorah at Disneyland! And, I have narrowed down the 207 pictures for you... You only have to look at 205! (Just kidding, of course!) We had a blast. Daniel and the girls did NOT want to leave. Please don't tell them, but after 3 days, I was ready to leave! Lots of fun -- but VERY tiring!

We arrived the first day just in time to have an early picnic on our balcony overlooking Downtown Disney for lunch.

Our first stop was Brother Bear Country in California Adventure. We spent quite a bit of time there, as the girls were having a blast!

Besides climbing the rope ladders, Allison discovered a new favorite ride; the zip line! She was finally tall enough, and went 3 times.

When we got back to our hotel, we were blessed with a surprise! Since we are celebrating our anniversary this month, Daniel told them and they had petals awaiting us! So fun... and beautiful! (Sierra liked them, too!)

The next day, we waited in line to see the princesses, and met-up with some great friends for a Character dining dinner at Goofy's Kitchen.

We also went on the "Grand Quest" at our hotel. The girls couldn't have been more excited. They were given clues, and sent around the hotel to find secret phrases and secret questions. The last person gave them a piece of gold, which they traded in for a giant Mickey cookie. Too cool!

The last day, I took Natalie on the Matterhorn. Allison was too scared. I can't believe the height limit is only 35 inches for such a fast ride! Natalie had no idea what she was in for, and had a look of terror the entire ride. When it was over, I asked her if it was fun... her response? "Not too fun." HA! I had to laugh!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you all took a little vacation at Disney Resorts. So close, yet so far from home (work & responsibility). We may have to follow your lead someday.

    We took Kya & Seth on the Matterhorn last time and they both said never again! I think Elsie would have enjoyed it more as she is my little dare-devil, but she was 1 inch too short.
