Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rainy Day Rainbow

Ok, here it is... the project I mentioned in my last post! This project was SO much fun! We decided since it was a rainy day that we would look for a rainbow -- in our house! Allison had her new camera, Natalie had my phone camera, and I was armed with my camera, as we set out in search for colorful objects around our house. We started with red, (which I soon realized was our most prolific color!) We just snapped away, and then used Picnik to edit the pictures and add the text of the color name! We then printed them onour photo paper, and cut them out.

Next, my husband helped me laminate them.

The next day was sunny, so we headed outside to add the eyelets. This was a perfect job for Allison!

Finally, we put the pages on a ring and tied ribbons for each color. I don't like this picture as much as I love the actual "book." The best part is, it was a fun project for the girls, as well. I think from here we will have to do a series. After "Colors" perhaps we'll do "Family," "Emotions," and "Objects." Fun, fun!

Here are all the color pages:


  1. What an awesome idea! I LOVE it! I'll have to try that out with my boys. It's even active enough to keep them happy. :)

  2. Once again I find myself completely inspired by one of your blog posts!! What a WONDERFUL idea that I can't wait to do with the girls! THANKS~THANKS~THANKS :)
