Tuesday, May 18, 2010

500th Post!

Ok, friends! Can you believe this is my 500th post? Is that crazy, or what? In some ways I feel like I just began blogging! For the most part, my blog entries look like this: (This is a sampling of crafts we did just this past week!)And, you will probably see many more posts like that in the future. However, more and more you will be seeing posts like this: (Today was "Try it Tuesday," and we tried making and eating homemade guacamole. And, it was a success despite the serious faces... just look at the arms reaching for more!)

We have really been having fun with our days of the week! The girls wake up every day asking, "What day is it, what day is it??" So... in honor of my 500th post, and in honor of my weekly themes that seem to be a popular idea with many of you, I have decided to do a giveaway! The problem is, I haven't had time to create a sample of the giveaway item, yet! So, STAY TUNED, and I will let you know what it is and how to win it!

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo... Congrats! I can't wait to hear more about the giveaway. ;) And homemade guac is YUMMY!
