Friday, May 28, 2010

Tea Time!

Allison had been looking forward to this day for a LONG time. (And so had I, for that matter!) It was finally the day for our special mother-daughter tea to celebrate Allison turning 5! We decided to ride our scooters, as the tea house is only about a block away. Of course, we had to stop to smell the roses! In front of Barbara's Tea House... She was so excited, it was hard to stop and pose for this picture! She literally scarfed down her food... I had to explain to her that she should take a little bite, then sip some tea... she tried, and it was SO cute! Quotes I heard over and over:
  • "I just ADORE this place."
  • "It is SO fancy!"
  • "Look how elegant everything is!"
  • "This is the BEST day EVER!"
Of course, Grandma said she should drink with her pinky up... And she did! The main purpose of the tea was to discuss some responsibilities of turning five. We established 3 goals for the summer, and talked about what school would be like in the fall. (Homeschool, that is). Pouring and serving her own sugar. Of course she can do it herself.... she is FIVE now! (Well, almost!)
After our tea, we were allowed to "dress-up" and explore the beautiful home. Swinging on the porch before scooting back home was another highlight. We'll have to do this again soon!


  1. SO adorable, what a cute idea. My little girls would love that.

  2. What a special day! Almost 5... yikes! I'm not ready!

  3. That looks like so much fun!
    When I was little my mom sent me to etiquette school. When I "graduated" my mom threw a tea party for me and all my friends. It was so fun I remember it to this day!
    How fun would it be if you spent a day learning proper table etiquette and then let the girls have some friends over for a tea party using all their new skills!
    I just got a book called The Family Book of Manners by Hermine Hartley, it's pretty old, but has all this in it for teaching kids manners. It even has proper ways of setting a table and ways to start conversations at a table! You can borrow it if you want...

  4. Wow, Shannon! I was just reading "Bringing Up Girls" last night, and the whole chapter was dedicated to manners, etiquette school, (which I had never heard of), and a book on manners that sounded really cool. Thanks for the fun idea... I may just have to do that!
