Thursday, June 10, 2010


We have a rule here in the Yeh house... we are allowed to do just one activity at a time! (At least, that's the rule for now!) So, we finished up gymnastics last week, and the girls started ballet this week! All those 3 - 5 year olds in tutus... I could hardly handle the cuteness!

The girls even got to buy real ballet tights and shoes.

Oh, I am so in love with little 3-year-old figures! Stop growing, Natalie!

How blessed I am to have little girls!

The girls had a blast. This is going to be a fun season!


  1. that's a good rule to have. we have the same in our home.

  2. Melissa, I bet we have a lot of the same rules! SO wish you lived closer... sigh...
