Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hot Rock Art

Today the girls were asking to paint rocks, which we have done countless times. "Let's try something new," I suggested. So, we colored hot rocks with crayons! It's been one of those ideas I saw somewhere and have kept in the back of my mind, that just happened to work today!

The rocks were heated in our toaster oven at 350 for about 25 minutes. I made sure the girls wore gloves for added safety against burns.

Meanwhile, it's nice to be able to put Sierra down anywhere and not worry too much about her falling over anymore!

I think next time we may try foil wrapped around cardboard... I remember doing something like that when I was little. For now, this was a fun project!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea! And that's a craft I think my boys would sit through. ;)
