Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hooray, hooray, hooray! It worked! My jam actually looks and tastes like yummy jam! I am so excited! I am pretty sure it sealed, as well, though that is my biggest fear... opening a jar only to find it moldy. I picked so many more apricots off the ground today, that I really ought to be making it every night this week. However, a good book and some sleep are most definitely on the agenda tonight. (I am reading "Bringing up Girls," by Dr. Dobson, and am really enjoying it!)

I do have to share with you one more exciting find. Tip Nut has a list of FREE label downloads for homemade jelly. No more worrying about not having Photoshop. I narrowed it down to the two I like best, and will show you once I choose. My favorite one, unfortunately, comes in every fruit BUT apricot-- even damson jam. (Who ever heard of damson jam?)

And, about the giveaway... I have scheduled it for June 30. That will be my 2 year blogoversary. Sorry I can't get to it before then. (I may surprise you, but the 30th is my goal!) Because it's taking me so long, I will have to throw in a jar of apricot jam!


  1. Nice! I'll have to swing by some morning and have some jam... mmmmmm. And I'll have to get your "recipe" so I can try it when our nectarine tree blows up. It won't be long now...

  2. I have "Bringing Up Boys", but after the first few chapters I had to put it down because it was scaring me! Maybe I should resume it now? It's been a couple years...
