Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chaffey-Garcia House

My favorite jogging route takes me past a small historical part of our town known as the Etiwanda historical area. There is an old church, an old railroad station currently under renovation, an old home being restored, and an old home-turned-museum. Every time I pass it, I think, "I need to take the girls here!"

It just so happens the museum is only open the second Saturday of the month for a few hours. As I was passing by on my jog yesterday, I realized that today would be the second Saturday, and we have no plans! Since the girls and I just finished reading "Little House on the Prairie," last night, the timing couldn't be better!

When I told the girls we were going to see where Ma and Pa and Mary and Laura and baby Carrie lived, they were SO excited! We pretended to be the characters all morning...

Upstairs was the girls' favorite, because that's where all the old toys were! (And, they got to climb stairs!)

The covered wagon was their other favorite part. (This is a bad picture!) We dreamed of what it would be like to ride in a covered wagon... I remember dreaming like that when I was a little girl, too!

So, I really wish I had the sense to take a video of this. We found a giant cricket, and Allison asked what would happen if she touched it. I said, "Why don't you find out?" Nothing happened at all, so Natalie gave it a shot. She even pet it, and it didn't move! So, Allison tried again, and it jumped right on her and she screamed.... then we all laughed a good belly laugh! :)

Tonight we'll go back to reading Narnia until we can find the nextLittle House book at the library!


  1. I have gone past this place a million times, but didn't know it ever opened up to the public. My kids love Little House on the Prairie, so I will have to be sure to take them next time it is open. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm glad it was fun. What a great way to actually see Little House on the Prairie.
