Monday, August 9, 2010

Reason #4,897,623 Why I love my husband...

...While I was at a baby shower yesterday, Daniel had several hours to entertain the girls. I came home to find these cute pictures of them having a tea party for lunch; with real milk tea! (I only let the girls use water!) They had croissants, salad, cantaloupe, and p,b, and honey sandwiches. Too cute!
...The other morning, I was exhausted! I tried to let my husband sleep-in, but he soon came out, and I went back to bed. I woke up to a quiet house; even the dog was gone, and dinner simmering in the crockpot. It was oxtail soup; SO yummy! Later, he and Allison turned it into a science lesson, complete with looking up pictures in textbooks, and recreating the oxtail!

...He's never too busy to play with his girls. Seriously! He took a HUGE exam today and has been studying the last few days, but whenever they came to play with him, he was ready! (And, he even took more pictures!)

...Some mornings he walks in the house with a brown box. I LOVE brown boxes! (Pink and white are good, too!) This week it was my absolute favorite; a sea-salt coffee from 85 degrees, and a box of sweet breads. Sometimes it's JJ Sweet, sometimes it's boba, sometimes it's flowers, and most times it's just his sweet smile, despite a tiring night and long drive home... I'm telling you, I am SPOILED! And, I love my husband!

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