Thursday, October 7, 2010

Family Picture Wall

Well... I didn't get it done when Grandma was here as I had hoped, but at least I finally completed one project: family pictures up on the walls! (Of course, we are having new family pictures taken Saturday, so I will soon need to add more, but at least for a few days my walls are "updated")

Once again, I went the fabric route. There are just so many fun colors and patterns of fabric quarters, and this way you can use pictures of various sizes!

With all the different colors in the fabrics, as well as mixing color photographs with black and white, I needed some way to make the grouping cohesive. To unify the look, I went with all white frames, (mostly from Ikea, but 2 I had laying around.) I actually have several old frames lying around that I could have spray painted white in my free time, but alas I have no free time these days! Not much, anyway...

The stickers are from the Dollar Tree. Yes, I said the Dollar Tree! As in, I only paid a dollar for them! Can't beat that! They've had some pretty cool ones, lately. I find they change them often, so if you like these hurry on down!

I'm happy with the new walls! Mostly, I love the subjects who posed for the pictures!

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