Wednesday, October 27, 2010

He's at it again...

Question: Do I tell my husband to read the blog to know I'm trying to eat a little healthier and to stop bringing home yummy things like these Halloween donuts from Krispy Kreme? Or, do I just enjoy this blessing and eat healthier later... I think I'll just enjoy it! Honestly, I felt like a little kid opening the box and seeing all the fun Halloween donuts! The one in the upper left corner was a pumpkin one. It was well-worth the calories! I know he'll read this eventually, so THANKS HONEY!

I had to laugh, though... We often end or homeschool by pulling a prayer out of our prayer jar. Today Allison drew, "Thank God for something big." Proudly, Allison declared, "I'm going to thank God for you, mom... and our house." Now I'm definitely feeling BIG! :)

Daniel took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese this afternoon, so Sierra and I were able to enjoy some one-on-one time and even went for a jog. We came home, and Daniel made an awesome sushi dinner with homemade miso soup and a tofu salad. What a blessing this guy is! I love livin' the Yeh life!


  1. My hubs brought home some of those donuts last weekend. Why is so hard to say no when they look cute? Something about a Halloween donut... you just have to eat it! ;)

  2. oh we will be making our annual trip to krispy kreme for pumpkin donuts!!!!
