Sunday, November 28, 2010

Simple Fun

Is it just my husband, or do all men get sent to the store for one item and come home with several unneccesary items? This afternoon, Daniel went to get a present for our nephew and pick-up some dinner, and came home with this, too:

He's a bargain shopper like me -- it was only 99 cents! After dinner, he played with the girls on the floor of their room. What a special daddy! Once they were down, he challenged me to a match! It was a lot of fun; probably too much fun! Lots to do tonight, but I enjoyed the break!

Tomorrow school starts back up again. I'll have to get my mind back in school mode! Sierra has been SO clingy because of her sickness, that I am a little worried about teaching... but, I am excited to get back into a routine, too. The girls have been asking for the last 4 days, "When do we get to do school, again?" I'm sure they won't always be this enthusiastic, but it was sure nice to hear!

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