Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Prep

I have SO much to be thankful for. We all do, don't we?? It's especially good for me to remember this when I'm not feeling well. It's amazing how fast you can feel bummed when you're fatigued. And, on the flipside, amazing how fast you can feel good when you are thankful!

So, today is day 3 of a high fever for little Sierra, and week 3 of this yucky bug we both have. Today I am thankful that my other girls and Daniel aren't feeling sick. I am thankful that we are a generally healthy family.

I am thankful for my sweet husband who let me sleep-in and took on Costco and the grocery stores with the little munchkins in tow. I am thankful for the smell of the pumpkin pie in the oven right now, and once again for my husband who let the girls stay up late to help make the pies!

I am thankful for the joy and laughter of little ones; especially right now during the Holidays! I am thankful for their creativity, innocence, and appreciation of simple pleasures. Natalie just LOVED waving her arms with the steam of the pumpkin!

I am thankful for a low-key Thanksgiving. I honestly don't feel stressed at all! It will just be our family, Daniel's parents, and his aunt and cousins. It will be pretty simple. Yet, I am very excited about it!

I am thankful for the cool, crisp weather and the smell of the outdoors this time of year. I am thankful for the snow on the mountains, which always reminds me of Psalm 121.

I was hoping to do a homeschool lesson about the pilgrims this week... and perhaps some Thanksgiving crafts. But, they will have to wait until next year. Instead, we will enjoy a wonderful meal, probably play some games, and turn-on the Christmas music by the cozy fire in the evening. I am thankful for our home, our family, our job, our life... the Yeh life... and our Jesus!

Have a BLESSED and wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. So sorry that you, and Sierra, are feeling icky. But so glad that you can find the joy through the ickiness. I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! (And I can't wait to hear how the homemade pumpkin pie turned out - I've always wanted to do that but have never been brave enough!)

  2. Thanks, Karen! It was a tough afternoon with Sierra, but she went to bed at 5:00pm, so a wonderful evening with family! I hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving, too!! We'll chat soon!
