Friday, November 12, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

My dear prayer warriors... I woke-up this morning to an urgent prayer request from my sweet friend Karen, (the one who always leaves me precious comments!), that her husband Charles is in the ICU with a severe case of bacterial meningitis. It has been over 24 hours now, and all day I have been praying and checking facebook for updates. He is still sedated and there is no way to know right now what kind of effect this has already taken. Please pray...
  • for a complete healing with no complications!
  • for Karen, as she faces little sleep, has 3 young boys to take care of, and is in the difficult "waiting" process that God would grant her peace, sleep, and comfort!
  • for the boys, as they are probably confused and worried.
  • however God leads.
Charles, we are praying for you!!


  1. Thank you, Jennifer! UPDATE: He woke-up this afternoon and can give thumbs-up, squeeze hands, and respond to other cues -- AWESOME news! Still hasn't talked, but it is looking good. Praise God!

  2. Cara, you rock! Thank you so much for posting this and for all the prayers! I know we wouldn't be doing so well without them!
