Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You Take the Good, You take the Bad...

... You take them both and there you have the "Facts of Life!" **Sing with me** "The Facts of Life!"
What an AWESOME night! Yes, that is me with "Blair." Can you believe it? I am way too easily star-struck! Here's the fun story...

Last night I was on facebook, when I read a post from my sweet friend Tina asking if anybody wanted to go see Lisa Whelchel tomorrow, as her friend had an extra ticket. I have been a huge fan forever, heard her on Focus on the Family several times, and have read 2 of her books. Naturally, I responded as quickly as possible saying I would be there for sure. Unfortunately, my husband was on a fire call, so I wasn't able to ask him if it was ok...

Meanwhile, he returns to his station after the fire, checks facebook, and sees Tina's post and thinks, "I should tell Cara; she would love that," only to scroll down and see that I already said I was going. I found this out when I attempted to ask permission today. Good thing he is such a sweetie and happily took care of the bedtime routine with the 3 little ones!

I also asked Daniel if he knew my boyfriend gave me a copy of her book, "Creative Correction," (about parenting and discipline), before we were engaged. He replied, "No," and I reminded him it was him! "I did?" he asked! I explained that it was when he took me to Diamond Bar to see the former Focus on the Family office he used to work at, and they were getting rid of some of their old books. I remember thinking, 'Wouldn't it be weird if I end up marrying and having kids with him.' Ha!

Daniel then says, "Yes, now I remember... do you remember what day that was?"
Me: "Um, no.. what day was it?"
Daniel: "When we were going to B and T's wedding which was also in Diamond Bar."
Me: "NO WAY! That was exactly 8 years ago today... today is their anniversary!"

Crazy, huh?!?!? I love the way that worked out. God is so good and I feel so blessed. She was wonderful, and I will now go to bed with the Facts of Life theme song stuck in my head! :)


  1. How fun! I should borrow her books from you sometime... 7 has become an age with a few challenges and I could use some creative correction ideas!

  2. Any time, Karen! Yikes... I thought it was suppose to get easier :) She was awesome! SOOOO happy your hubby is home with you. See you tomorrow night!
