Monday, December 13, 2010


The house is quiet. I'm guessing he's asleep. My husband, that is. The one who is sitting in the red chair waiting for Allison to fall asleep. The one who was up with her several times last night and early this morning. The one who took all 3 girls to Knott's Berry Farm today so that their mom could recharge her battery. (Yes, I am blessed!)

It's still hard. But, I have a peace. I needed to be recharged today! The hardest part for me is to admit, as a mom, that I am drowning. I felt so guilty about my day off, that it took me a while to wake-up out of my fog!

Soon after Daniel and the girls left this morning, there was a knock at our door. It was a dear friend dropping off a Christmas gift. She had no idea she would be greeted by an exhausted mess! But, it was a divine appointment for us this morning. We prayed for each other, and felt refreshed. As she left, I was praising God once again for the friends in my life.... Even now I can think of so many friends that have the heart of God, and are so willing to pray.

The Bible tells us where 2 or more are gathered, He is there with us. Today, amidst the busyness of the season, we experienced Emmanuel, God with us! Yes, I am BLESSED!


  1. thanks for stopping by and enjoy the gift tags!

    you have a darling family!! & what an amazing husband you have for taking the kids for several hours.

  2. Thank you, Heather! Yes, he is pretty amazing! I am very thankful for the time of refreshing... (and him!) :) LOVED your gift tags.. beautiful!
