Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Sometimes when I get behind on blogging, I just do one long random post. That's what I'm doing once again today. I thought by titling it "Life," it would seem less random. Hope you think so, too! :)

Twister. Girls still love to play it with their Daddy!

Mini-burgers. Best dinner idea in a long time! Allison ate 4! I mixed the ground beef with soy sauce, minced onions, and garlic salt and grilled them. I used brown and serve wheat muffins for the buns. Can't wait to do them again!

Heart-shaped eggs in the nest. Still enjoying February and all things heart!

The sandbox. Yes, I finally re-filled it. (Mostly, because our backyard is a weed factory, and I need to have the girls occupied while I attend to it!)

Lazy morning. We spent about an hour i chatting back and forth between our bedroom and the kitchen with the girls on Sunday morning. I kid you not! It was actually a really fun, lazy morning! The girls had a blast changing the backgrounds and going to space, Paris, and on a roller coaster!
(Sorry, honey, I had to use the picture! Next time just smile. :))

I mentioned that this was Allison's verse last week. For the first time, I had her write her verse from memory, and she did a super job!

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