Sunday, February 27, 2011

Out of the Blue

I posted about my bathroom verse a while ago... Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." It is directly across from my shower, so I see it as I am taking a shower... the purpose, of course, is to read it each day and remind myself to be intentional about praising God for that day.

The other morning, I woke-up to 3 sick girls. I knew Daniel wasn't going to be home for 3 days, and I was very tired. My first prayer was, "Lord, help me to get through until Daniel gets home." Immediately I looked-up and saw the verse and was convicted. In my heart, I had just prayed that God would rush me through the next 3 days. Instead of changing my prayer to thank Him for the gift of that day, I then asked God how I was suppose to rejoice in a rainy, exhausted, sick environment?? (I am super embarrassed to even type that, but it's true!)

God responded. "Be thankful." Well, DUH! Right away I told the girls we needed to thank God for everything about that day. The coziness of the rain, the warm house, a chance to wear sweatshirts, how the sickness made us appreciative of our health, and on and on we went. It was a lesson for me, really, but I wanted it to be for them, as well.

My heart did begin to change immediately, but that's not to say it stayed that way. Throughout the day, I continually looked for ways to be thankful for THAT DAY. I snuggled with Sierra and didn't worry about the house. I read a lot with the girls, and enjoyed it myself.

The next 2 days, as yucky as the girls and the weather was, were not so bad. I can't even explain why, except I felt very aware of God's presence and the peace that passes all understanding. Oh, if only I could remember this more often. I still see the verse every day.... why is it so hard?

Today is day 5, and we still have fevers and throwing-up for the 2 big girls. I am thankful my husband took the day off, I was able to run, the snow on the mountains was incredible, and Sierra is doing much better. I titled this post "Out of the Blue," for 2 reasons: 1. The bathroom is blue. Ha! 2. Out of the blue, Sierra began repeating words today... I am so grateful Daniel was home to hear it. She said, "turtle, shoe, flower," and about 2 more that totally blew our minds. She has never repeated words for us before, so it was an especially exciting day!

Lord, THIS is the day you made... I am choosing to rejoice and be glad in it. You are SO good all the time!

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