Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snapshots of our Week

Valentines crafts and decor are now put away... until next year! My sweet friend Melissa summed up my thoughts, exactly. You can read them here.

This little Sweetpea has a cold; (or is it teething?) Either way, it breaks my heart!

These girls love to practice their hammering:

Making "fairy dust" with the chalk. (The front of our house is oh-so-lovely!)

Check out her knees... gotta love being the third child!

Daniel expanded on our baked zucchini fries, and added onion rings... yummy!

My girls are in a "hat phase" and I love it! This one was handmade by our dear "Uncle Glory."

We went for a family run this morning. It was FREEZING! (Interpretation for our midwest friends: 51 degrees!) The littlest ones fell asleep. Say it with me; awww...

And, the close-up:

We had a fun afternoon with dear friends. The girls didn't want us, (the grown-ups), in with them, so I sat in our room with Daniel listening to their cuteness. They laughed and laughed. Little Nia has the sweetest laugh, ever! It needs to be recorded.

We ended our date with popcorn and a movie.

And, those are the random snapshots of our week!
I'm off to enjoy the season premiere of "The Amazing Race."


  1. I just have to ask....Where are little miss Natalie's shoes in the picture of the two girls asleep in the stroller? They are all bundled up and then NO shoes! lol

  2. Ha! That is so funny... Yeah, so they were wearing snow boots and went tromping through the mud at the park. Daniel washed them of at the park, but they still wanted to go barefoot. Kids are so funny!
