Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Showers

Still tired... (in case you were wondering) But, life goes on and life is GOOD!

We've had quite the unusual weather, lately! This is hardly what you'd expect for our little part of Southern California in mid-May! But, being a fan of cozy and not-so-much a fan of heat, I am ok with this! All too soon it will be too hot to go outside without a swimsuit!

Sierra insisted on joining her big sister playing in the rain. Not thinking she would last long, I allowed her to go out without a jacket or umbrella. The little turkey, (once again), surprised me and came back in SOAKED! But, I discovered she loves apricots, too. I guess Allison and I are going to have to share.

My little artist wanted to decorate the windows with dry-erase markers. I should have taken a picture of her lovely picture. Now if only she would put away the markers so Sierra wouldn't get a hold of them...

Fresh chocolate chip banana bread. Oh so yummy! But even better is the smell throughout the house. Heavenly!

Painting. Always a good rainy day activity. (Especially with new paints!)

We hadn't done self-portraits in a while, and the girls had been asking to do it, so the rain was a perfect opportunity. I had to laugh that Allison gave herself blonde hair and blue eyes, and Natalie went for super-long hair. :)

Last, but not least... play doh! Another lifesaver in the rain.


  1. Hi Cara!! Love the idea of the dry erase markers! Do you use regular ones? Ellie would love that. It's cool here, 45 this morning, high of 75, which is very unusual for May -- usually it's almost 90 by now!! Hope you are doing well. Your girls are precious and I'm so excited for #4 for you!!

  2. Thanks so much for your note, Holly! Yes, just regular dry erase work great! We have another rainy day today, as well. Crazy spring weather, huh? Blessings to you and hugs to your girlies!
