Friday, July 8, 2011

A Little Bit of This...

...And a little bit of that:

This girl is at a fun, fun stage... Language is starting to explode! Tonight we headed to Chick-Fil-A dressed as cows to get our free dinner. At dinner, she repeated our entire prayer. She also discovered that she could say, "three" today. (Before today she would count 1, 2, 4, 5) In bed after her nap she kept yelling, "Mama -- plleeeez -- stuck -- plleeeez -- stuck -- Mama!!!" Yesterday on our walk, I scolded Triscuit. She walked over to him and said, "No, no, NO Triskee... OKAY???? No, no, okay Triskee? Ok????"

So far these girls have been very clever at finding things to do. What a huge blessing! Today they "painted" the fountain with water.

And, these awesome geo blocks are always a hit!

Today they also made a tent out of wrapping paper, (which Sierra had already unroled much to my dismay), and played "school." Allison did a super job practicing the entire alphabet in lower case and capitals over and over. (I sure LOVE when they do school on their own.)

Of course, crafts are always still fun... More and more, I've noticed Allison reading on her own while Natalie draws or paints. Here is our little 4-year-old artist at work:

And, here is our 6-year-old reader finding yet another book:

Meanwhile, I'm proud to announce I emptied another 10 boxes today! Oh, the joy of empty boxes!

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