Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Random Thoughts and a House preview!

I should be sleeping... or unpacking the house, doing laundry, or packing for our trip to Texas in a few days. Instead, I am blogging. I think it's because I just got off the phone with the dear college friend that I get to see when we go to Texas in just a few days! As she pointed out, "7 girls 7 and under for 7 days!" I am so excited, I can't sleep... so here I am blogging! :) I just find it amazing the people God has put me in contact with, and SO blessed to be able to re-connect with such a wonderful woman of God.

I actually have a few different blog posts I want to get out before I go -- not sure if it will happen with all the packing that needs to take place, but I'll do my best. Just be fore-warned that this blog will be all about Texas for quite some time once we get back!

In the meantime, I decided to show you one sneak peak of our house. Remember this post when I asked you if I was crazy for painting my bedroom wall in so many colors? (My assumption is that you all thought I was crazy since I got no comments!) I was honestly a bit worried as well, but not anymore. I am super happy with how it turned out. Please ignore the laundry on the bed, as well as the fan on the floor and the random desk; we still have a long way to go in organizing! But, here is our master bedroom wall: (the rest of the room is the mellow cream color):


  1. cara! i'm a random friend of dan's from back in the day. he wrote me earlier this week about restaurant suggestions for TX. anyway, i told him how i read y'alls blog and that i was embarassed (ha!) and he wrote me back a nice email and encouraged me to reach out. so here i am! a total weirdo saying "HELLO". you're really inspiring! i hope that when my 1 year old gets a little older, i can do super fun craft activities with him! have a fantastic trip and know that you've got at least one "fan" out here in interwebland. -amy

  2. Cara, the wall looks AMAZING! I love it! I can't wait to see more pictures of the rest of the house! Have a great trip...

  3. Amy, thank you so much for saying hello! I am TOTALLY flattered, and am glad you enjoy the blog. :) Kirsten, THANK YOU!! Can't wait to show you! It will be a while, but I will get to it. Can't wait to see your new home, either!!
