Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy First Day of Fall 2011!

What a beautiful day! Today we made our annual trek to Oak Glen, only this time we went not for apples, but pears!

The annual fall picture!
Before picking pears, we walked around the grounds, and look what we found beyond this path:

Oh, how I want to swing from these ropes!

We finally headed up the way to pick the pears. Sierra was so excited to spot the goats! She was even more excited when the man came to feed them, and they all began to "maaaa..." and "baaaa..."

There were pumpkin fields, berry patches, and fields of wild flowers. It is just so pretty! I caught this picture of one of the hummingbirds:

We came home with a HUGE bag of pears...

... minus one. :)

"Making apple cider."
And, here is where I ran out of battery for the camera! Really, after this we were done.... we drove to Los Rios Ranch where we sampled apples and bought our apple cider; then we headed back down the hill to the heat. At home, I had Daniel pull down our 3 bins of Autumn/ Halloween decorations. I think I was feeling a little too overly optimistic. I am beat tonight, but look forward to decorating tomorrow. Happy Fall!


  1. Pears! How fun! We were up there on Sunday but they wouldn't let us pick apples and I never heard a word about pears. Bummer! Oh well, we had fun anyway. And now I know to ask about pears. :)

  2. Hey Cara, where did you go in Oak Glen? Was it Riley's Farm? We are thinking of making a trip and it looks like you guys got to do a lot of cool things.

  3. Hey Mandy! Yes, Riley's farm -- it is totally worth it. We do it every year and love it. Have fun!!!
    Karen -- that is a bummer!I am happy to share! :)
