Friday, September 9, 2011

LA County Fair 2011

Despite another forecast of 100 degrees, we made it to the fair, today! And, we had a great time. There are SO many benefits to homeschooling, but one is all the discounts available. For the Fair, we get free admission, free parking, free rides for book reports, and free milk! All that after a free breakfast at Chick-Fil-A.

Sierra was pretty excited to see all the animals. Natalie, on the other hand, was not so fond of the smell and the heat. Not to mention, she has been counting down the days to go back to the fair since last year to see the princess exhibit. But, she managed to make the right decision and have patience!

The goats were HUNGRY!

Poor Sierra was a little overwhelmed by their hunger.

As always, Allison was in her prime!

After the petting zoo, the girls learned to make hay bails by stuffing hay into a "machine" from the 1800's, and then pulling the ropes to tighten it into a bail!

Of course, I encouraged a little hay throwing, as well!

Next came grinding corn for the baby pigs that were born at the fair just a week prior, and abandoned by their mommy. Poor piglets!

By now the heat was getting to be a bit much. It was time for our free chocolate milk and a seat on a hay bail to watch how ice cream is made.

Moving on... time to see kiss the cows??

Daniel wanted to take home this little calf.

Our little climber made it to the top of the fence before we caught her!

Next we found the bee exhibit and enjoyed some flavored honey sticks. Sierra and Natalie loved them, but Allison didn't like hers.

And, we made it into the kids exhibit hall in order to cool off, get free rides by turning-in our book reports, and watch a fun science show.

I was happy that the girls not only understood the show, but enjoyed it and remembered the experiments and wanted to try some when we got home!

Free rides: Sierra cried, (threw a major temper tantrum), when she wasn't tall enough to go on the rides the girls went on. Luckily, we distracted her with the carousel, which gave her a huge smile until it was time to get off; then the temper tantrum returned. That girl LOVES her carousel!

Last, but not least, we made it into the princess palace. It was the perfect way to end our day! All the girls were pretty tired at this point, (including me), and were ready to make our way back to the car right afterward...

We hope to return at the end of the month; and we hope the weather will be a bit cooler! It was so nice to come home and spend the afternoon in the pool with some friends. I'm ready for bed!

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