Sunday, September 18, 2011

OCFA Picnic 2011

What a fun-filled weekend! Unfortunately, we had to miss one baby shower and one birthday party... why do all the fun things seem to happen on the same weekend? Anyway, this was our third annual OCFA picnic, but the first time we actually remembered to bring a camera!

This sweet 11-month-old dalmation named "Spotty" had her toenails painted red and posed all day long on the seat of an old steamer engine for pictures.

One of the highlights of the picnic for the girls was paddling this canoe. Sierra and Daniel had a turn as well, and we all enjoyed the ride. It made me long to take the girls to the camp I worked at in Montana when I was in college... some day!

Of course, the swings were the other favorite ride, and I got sick just watching! I don't know what happened to me... they were my favorite as a kid, too! I think they went on them 4 or 5 times.

Snow cones...

Corn Dogs...

... And lots more yummy food! What do you do when you're a kid after stuffing yourself silly with junk food?

Why, jump, of course!

Even Sierra wanted to give it a try...

... (but quickly discovered it was not for her!) None of my girls have been bouncers. As hard as Grandma tried, she could not get them happy to jump in their Johnny Jumps hanging in the doorway. If this baby in my tummy comes out as jumpy as it is in my tummy, perhaps we'll have our first Johnny Jump lover!

The girls wanted to jump one more time, so we sat in the cool shade of the tree and waited for them one last time. Despite her exhaustion, Sierra was quite content just hanging out with Mom and Dad.

We left just before it ended and stopped to say hi to Daniel's parents on the way home. The girls were very tired, but very good on the ride. What a relief! :) We also stopped at the Japanese Market to pick-up some food for dinner. I'll have to blog about that, too! For now, I need to plan school for tomorrow and get to bed.

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